Who do I want my clients to think about?
Usually, when we think of certain products, a brand comes to mind. That action is thanks to corporate design.
The corporate design allows us to have a positive and unequivocal idea of a company.
When we talk about this process, we not only refer to a design as such, but it also covers communication.
Communication and design
Communication and design go hand in hand when it comes to corporate design. They tells us that “A picture is worth a thousand words” and it’s true, because in the heads of your clients, something they have seen will always have priority over something they have read.
What comes to mind when you think of the book The Little Prince? Surely it is an image and not a piece of the text, even though you have read it many times, or many people have done it.
The corporate design aims to generate presence throughout the market, providing the company with a uniform, careful and reliable image. Communicate your ideals, and products effectively so that they generate the capacity in the consumers to identify you at first sight.
But… What things make up corporate design graphically? Easy, the LOGO, THE COLOSSES AND THE TYPOGRAPHY.
These 3 components are essential for recognition as a brand or supplier.
A very important part when asking for help to perform your corporate design is:
- It must be analyzed how to improve, through the design of corporate identity, the functions and benefits of external aesthetics, as it must be beautiful and ergonomic for the client.
- Know that you must open up to the market, not pursue it.
- Be clear about the image you want to perpetuate.
- Consider that the image of the product or service must be consistent with the image of the company, and that, although each one has its own personality, they must combine.
Do not forget that corporate design is the physical representation of all the concepts, ideas and units that make up your company, therefore, YOU as owner, you must know what’s your main concept, and although the design process is composed of the combination of several ideas, you must never lose sight of your main objective.
Digitally Boosted understands that well, we invite you to inquire about your CORPORATE IDENTITY, because we can help you stand out from the rest. Check our plans or CONTACT US to offer you services designed specifically for you.